Heal Your Whole Self Holistic Physical Therapy and Wellness
Rooted deep in physical therapy and responding to patients in pain and in need of rehabilitation, Kim is a physical therapist who combines her expertise in traditional techniques with holistic modalities. Throughout 35 years of experience familiarizing herself with thousands of patients, Kim discovered that physical ailments throughout the body including pain, poor posture, lack of mobility and weakness, misalignment and imbalance of the muscles often directly relate to physical and emotional stressors. In 1991, Kim survived a life-threatening illness. She was treated by a physical therapist who performed craniosacral work which healed her. As a result, Kim studied craniosacral therapy, along with yoga and meditation. This revelation inspired Kim to quit her job in 2009 and allow holistic healing modalities to emerge within her practice including Biodynamic craniosacral therapy (BCST,) myofacial release, visceral manipulation, guided meditation, breath techniques, and aromatherapy.