Good Morning, Today I am sharing an article I found on WebMD about how Physical Therapy can help many types of illnesses in our Senior population. Would you believe in a nondrug treatment that works for arthritis, cancer pain, Parkinson’s, and incontinence and improves your strength and endurance? There is ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, This is our last article in my series on some of the diseases Physical Therapy can help. This month I have discussed, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Osteoarthritis and Dementia. How can Physical Therapy assist the Dementia Patient? How can a person with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia benefit from ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, Today I continue our education about how Physical Therapy helps many different illnesses. Today, we are talking about how Physical Therapy can help Osteoarthritis: How Physical Therapy Can Help Arthritis: A physical therapist (PT) can help you get moving safely and effectively. Physical therapists are licensed professionals ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, Today I continue our series on different illnesses and how Physical Therapy can help. This week I discussed what a Stroke is and what happens when a person has a stroke. Today, I am going to address different Physical Therapy goals and exercises for the Stroke patient. ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, Our month of learning about different diseases continues: Today I will educate you on What is a Stroke taken from: Knowing the signs of a stroke is the first step in stroke prevention. A stroke, sometimes called a “brain attack,” occurs when blood flow to an ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, This week I talked about Parkinson’s and what this disease is and how if affects people. Today, I am going to talk about how Physical Therapy can help the Parkinson’s patient: Exercise and Physical Therapy Research has shown that regular exercise benefits people with Parkinson’s disease. Exercise: ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, So many families and family members ask me this? How can PT help Mom or Dad now that they have moved to Assisted Living? Doesn’t the Assisted Living Facility take care of everything? An assisted living community is designed for those individuals who can still function, but ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, Today I am answering your questions about finding a Physical Therapist and what to look for. This is your treatment and your recovery! Choosing Your Physical Therapist You are the most important member of your own health care team, and you are entitled to choose the most ..Continue Reading
Good Morning Readers, As a Physical Therapist working in the Phoenix, Arizona area, I see so many clients that have Gait and Balance Disorders. Here is some information and some ways to help. Gait and balance disorders are common in older adults and are a major cause of falls in ..Continue Reading