Integrative Therapy and Wellness addresses Physical Therapy and the Assisted Living Client

Good Morning Readers, As most of you know a part of what I do is help patients in assisted living facilities.  How does PT help patients in assisted living? When I started my career as a Physical Therapist: Little did I know how valuable physical therapy can be for elderly ..Continue Reading

Integrative Therapy and Wellness, LLC discusses Physical Therapy for Arthritis

Good Morning Readers, Today I continue our education about how Physical Therapy helps many different illnesses.  Today, we are talking about how Physical Therapy can help Osteoarthritis: How Physical Therapy Can Help Arthritis: A physical therapist (PT) can help you get moving safely and effectively. Physical therapists are licensed professionals ..Continue Reading

Integrative Therapy and Wellness, LLC continues educating…What is Osteoarthritis?

Good Morning, Our month of education continues:  So many clients, older adults and people in general have asked this question, What is Osteoarthritis?  Here are your answers: Sometimes called degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic condition of the joints, affecting approximately 27 million ..Continue Reading