Physical Therapy a Boon for Seniors

Good Morning, Today I am sharing an article I found on WebMD about how Physical Therapy can help many types of illnesses in our Senior population. Would you believe in a nondrug treatment that works for arthritis, cancer pain, Parkinson’s, and incontinence and improves your strength and endurance? There is ..Continue Reading

Choosing Your Physical Therapist, How do You Find One?

Good Morning Readers, Today I am answering your questions about finding a Physical Therapist and what to look for.  This is your treatment and your recovery! Choosing Your Physical Therapist You are the most important member of your own health care team, and you are entitled to choose the most ..Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Aging, how Integrated Therapy and Wellness Can Help

Good Morning Readers, We therapist’s get this question so often….How can Physical Therapy help aging adults?  Here are some answers.   Physical therapy can greatly improve mobility and motion, two things that older adults, as well as people with chronic conditions, often struggle with. Physical therapy can also help you ..Continue Reading

What is Physical Therapy? Here are some answers.

Good Morning, What is Physical Therapy?  Here are the answers.   Can I choose what physical therapist I go to? Absolutely! The decision of where you receive treatment is yours. If you have a specific therapist or practice you would like to go to, you should let your doctor or ..Continue Reading